Monday, October 3, 2011

And... We Have A WINNER!

We have a winner!  Correction.... we have TWO winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered the Uppercase Living Giveaway!  I tossed all your names in a bowl and here are the names I pulled out!

I will get those gift certificates to you right away, ladies!

(Side note:  remember when I mentioned telling you what we talked about while canning applesauce?  Well, it has to do with this one particular name you see above.  Karista happens to be my sister-in-law and she is going to produce my long-awaited niece!

Ok, ok, ok... so, NO, I DO NOT know yet if it is a girl.  Sweet Pea is only about the size of a pea right now, but one can wish, right?  Anyway, Applesauce Canning Day had us picking out names for little Miss Sweet Pea.  There, mystery solved - that is what the Stutzman family did for about four hours over apples, sugar and canning jars!)

Be sure to check out more ways to tell your kids the messages on your heart right here on Elisha Day's website!

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