Wednesday, February 9, 2011


For years I've been wishing I could take my kids all over the world to see how different children lives are in other parts of the world.  One big reason was to build thankfulness in their own lives.  Raising grateful children in America is a difficult task. Obviously, flying a family of six all over the world is rather expensive, so in the meantime, I came up with these chore cards to help them see how blessed they truly are.

The chore cards give step by step instruction for completing certain chores around the house.  The back of the card has a story telling about a child in another part of the world. 

Through these, my kids have begun to pray for children all around the world - and hopefully, will grow up to become not only responsible, hard working adults, but also people who have compassionate hearts to help the less fortunate.

This set of 13 (one blank) chore cards is made from glossy postcards and professionally printed.  Each set is only $10 with proceeds currently going towards the Jon and Carissa's adoption fund for two children from Uganda.

Share this with your friends and if you would like to sell them in your place of business, please let me know!  Blessings!

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