Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Child Labor Laws

Kids and chores!  One of the most analyzed departments of motherhood.  What to do, what to do?  Believe me, I still ask that question.  Probably the only thing I am firmly convinced of though, is that kids do need to have them! 

Chores give a child purpose and security.  It tells them they are a part of this particular family and without them (the child), the household would be incomplete.  I’ve heard it many times and I know it to be true – when kids have chores to do, they are much happier little people.

I have tried many different types of suggestions when it comes to kids and chores.  Again, I have to say, each family is different and what I do may not work for you, and vice versa.  Today though, I thought I’d throw out some suggestions of what has worked best for us.  Feel free to share your ideas – I am always open to new and improved ideas.

Example of our chore list
In my kitchen you will see a bulletin board with four chore lists – one for each child.  On there I have listed the common everyday chores as well as personal hygiene for that particular child.  For example:
·         Straighten up bedroom
·         Get dresses
·         Eat breakfast
·         Feed the animals
·         Brush your teeth
·         Make your bed
·         CaringKids Chores
·         Monthly Goal
·         Bible Lesson

I have the morning chores grouped together and separated by a few blank lines from the evening chores.  The blank lines are to allow space to write in chores I don’t normally have them do on a daily basis. 

The lists are slipped into plastic sheet protectors and the children can mark off their completed chores with a dry-erase marker each day.  I wipe them clean each morning and then they can start over again.  Works wonderfully!  With just a quick glance, Tim and I can see what chores have or have not been completed and help keep the kids on task.

Some of the chores I have listed you might have questions about:

 I have monthly goals for my children – like “read 2 books” or “memorize the books of the Bible” – that one was this month.  Each day, they work a little towards reaching that goal.  

Then there are the CaringKids Chore cards.  I lay those out on the counter and they work their way through them and return them to me when the job is complete. (I still have them available if you are interested in purchasing some!) 

I am trying to do a Bible lesson with the kids on a daily basis, but with busy schedules it doesn’t always happen.  I use the lessons from here, and the kids love the time gathered around the table talking about the lesson and enjoying some together time.   I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but I really have been amazed at how much they enjoy doing these lessons.

The chores each child is capable of accomplishing is different depending upon their age.  I found this article to be helpful in determining what chores are appropriate for certain ages.

Our goal this summer has been to try to get through the chores as quickly as possible so we can spend the afternoon enjoying free time at Grandma’s pool or playing outside.  Doesn’t always work out that way, but it’s a goal - and a goal is something worth having!

1 comment:

Mary said...

This is great Lynette. Regular chore charts and schedules are something I've been trying to implement and have been a bit fickle and inconsistent with. I hate fickle and inconsistent. I like your reusable list. Thinking I may use my "free laminating" coupon on their lists instead of the sleeve. Oh...and they LOVE the caring kids chore cards. Thanks again.